Dr. Dave, nature & remote work

  • 4Minutes

Dr. Dave Heitmann – Co-Founder and CEO of the company Authentiic – ran a 30-day ‘Energize Your Life’ challenge for our hired remote professionals here at Growmotely during the month of March. There were a number of us who showed up each week for Dr. Dave’s sessions, and I think it’s safe to say that we all absolutely adored every last one of them.

Dr. Dave bills himself as an expert in wellbeing, performance and productivity, but to label him as such, somehow reduces the totality of what he is…and what we all are.

It was perhaps Deepak Chopra who said, “We are not in the world. The world is in us.” Well, this seems to ring especially true for Dr. Dave – our very own Renaissance Man here at Growmotely – who will be delivering a brand new challenge next month to our burgeoning community of hired remote professionals, and we would love to give you a taste of the content of these mind, body and soul-expanding sessions…

How remote workers can better connect with nature to improve their performance” is the title of Dr. Dave’s new challenge, and needless to say, this challenge is aligned in more ways than one when it comes to the ecosystem we are co-creating here at Growmotely.

It’s easy to think of remote work as staring at a computer screen for hours on end – butt attached to your chair and chair attached to the floor…especially if you are a city slicker. However – most of us who have been living and playing in the remote work world for awhile, know that if we are open to it, remote work can springboard us into a very different experience – an experience that sees us creating, and co-creating, with nature. Does this seem impossible? It’s not. Keep reading.

In Dr. Dave’s new remote work meets nature challenge, he will lead us on a journey that will help us open our eyes to all of the resplendent possibilities that are out there when it comes to creating this new relationship with nature via our remote work – and our remote work lifestyles.

🌱 In session one he will cover productivity tools and tactics that keep you out of the office. Dr. Dave believes deeply that nature has a powerful impact on how we think – and ultimately on how productive we can be. In this session he is keen to share how to get outside and get the benefits of nature – and then integrate those benefits into our work.

🌱 In session two, Dr. Dave will cover the ins and outs of connecting with nature in our living spaces. Nature doesn’t have to be “outside”; let’s bring it into our most dwelled-in living spaces!

🌱 Session three? It’s time to save the Earth – one remote worker at a time! Making a global impact – Dave teaches – starts with your personal daily living. We all have the ability to become soil-makers, seed-planters and composters. And we can do this in community to boot.

🌱 And the final session – session four – will explore how we, as remote workers, can connect to nature through our food. We don’t have to live on a farm to do this – regardless of where we find ourselves at this moment in time, there are ways that we can “grow our own health”, and Dr. Dave will teach us how. 

Nature is full of beauty and complexity; Dr. Dave – our in-house Renaissance man! – is full of beauty and complexity; and we – as remote workers – are full of beauty and complexity. Let’s figure out ways together – inspired by nature and Dr. Dave – as to how we can fully own this complexity and beauty so that we can take our remote working to new levels.

Here at Growmotely, we have high hopes for the Future of Work when it comes to not just our relationship with nature, but also our ability to let nature influence us and our work. We see remote work – and remote work lifestyles – as tools to help us increase our reverence for nature and the planet, and we would love for you to join us. 

We would love for you to join us, so that – to borrow Dr. Dave’s words – we can all save the Earth…one remote worker at a time. 🌱

Written by: 
Vanessa Kettner (Growmotely’s Creative Writer and your Remote Work Cupid)
Dedicated to: Theodora Gatin --> “One with nature we create.”

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