Author Archives: growmotely

“Remote Works” with Ali Greene  

Ali‘s story as a location-independent professional started where most do – stuck in an office chair in a traditional 9-to-5 life. She was working in New York City, in the Human Resources/Learning and Development department at an advertising agency. When she quit her full-time role to consult and travel she used to joke that she […]

New year inspiration from Bucket List coach Nini Fritz 

“Always set goals from an intrinsic motivation for a powerful why. And go for step-by-step goal setting and tangible action steps.” These words of guidance come from Nini Fritz, whose experience with setting meaningful goals and achieving them transformed her life and led her on the path of helping and inspiring others to live fuller, […]

Transcending metrics with Julie Daniel

Julie Daniel – Managing Director at the boutique coaching and training firm in Greater London called ‘Personal Best Limited’ – thinks that metrics just might be “a beginner’s move”. Here at Growmotely, we are all ears.

‘Heart Value’ and the Future of Work 💫 

Our hearts exploded this past Wednesday. What?! Why?! How?!  I know. It’s wild. Check out the WhatsApp chatter to prove it… ⬇️ “I’m so touched by this masterclass!”“I was speechless.”“My heart is about to explode!”“I actually want to cry – the message is so beautiful.”“I cried a lot – every time I was off camera.”“I want […]