Author Archives: growmotely

French Canadian Anthony Boudreau is living the nomadic dream💫

27-year-old French Canadian Anthony Boudreau created a big splash when he landed as a newbie into our (now open-to-the-world) Growmotely Community about two weeks ago. Right out of the starting blocks, he shared with us the 11 steps that he took in order to transition from being a location-dependent professional in Montreal, to being a location-independent digital nomad – currently residing […]

Big launch coming next week 💫 

We no longer will be hoarding the beauty of our vibrant and resourceful Community for Remote Professionals. Starting on Monday, 3rd October, we are opening it up to professionals around the world. If you reside on Planet Earth, and you love our vibe, we would love for you to join us!

Assertive behavior and the Future of Work

“Our silence makes our relationships more superficial, as the more we are silent, the more people will only know us partially.” This quote is from a book on assertiveness, by a bloke called Duke Robinson. I was familiar with – and also had bought into – a number of reasons as to why it makes […]

Best practice remote hiring process

If you’re like so many of us founders and leaders, getting a job description together and posting it is usually something that’s sat on your to do list for way too long and finally posting the job live is a mean feat to be celebrated. Except… Before you’ve even had a chance to high five […]

What are your needs when it comes to online events?

When you think about “gatherings” what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? I would really love to learn about different perspectives so feel free to comment on this article below, and share with me one word that best describes your feelings towards gatherings. For me as the Events Manager at Growmotely, gatherings are part of […]

Top 5 pre-screen questions for culture-first hiring

If you think the way we do at Growmotely, you share the view that people are the most important part of any business. Which means hiring the right people, who align with the organization’s culture (what we call a ‘culture-first’ approach to hiring) has to be a top priority. Less is more, in our opinion, […]

Am I a failure?

Hi fam, I’ve learned something along the way about vulnerability and its power. Firstly, we can share something that topically, by its very nature, is vulnerable. As in, others will likely agree it’s a vulnerable thing to speak about. But in truth, if we’re sharing after we’ve processed it and made peace with it, it’s […]

Bringing your whole self to work

Showing up as our authentic selves at work can be challenging and uncomfortable but also freeing; when you don’t have to pretend you have it all together and you have a supportive team willing to hold space for you, your entire work-life experience changes for good. And then, suddenly, you realize your creations coming from a place of peace and acceptance have a more profound impact than you ever imagined.