From Legal Advisor to Events Manager

  • 4Minutes

Bucharest-based Andreea Gătin, 35-years-old, worked in the law profession for 11 years before she became our Events Manager here at Growmotely in August of last year (2021).

She was working long hours; she spent two hours every day commuting; the environment in which she was working felt toxic; and the cherry on the cake was that she knew that she didn’t want to work in the legal profession anymore.

“I was stuck on the idea that I could only do legal work, but somehow – deep down – I felt more drawn to creative work.”

She watched with rapturous interest as her sister – Theodora Gatin, one of Growmotely’s co-founders – started building, in late-2020, the platform and company you see before you today…with a handful of bright, ambitious, and globally-distributed remote work enthusiasts. As Andreea watched the company take shape, she shared with her sister that someday she would love to join her on this journey.

At the start of May 2021, she had had enough with her current work situation, and made the decision to leave her corporate job in September.

Only a handful of days later – on Monday, 10th May – she woke up having dreamt that she would be forced to resign at her work…only to have her previous night’s dream come true upon arriving at work the same day. Although struck by fear and uncertainty initially – “This was not part of my plan!” – she could not ignore that her soul clearly felt light and deeply happy about these events that had transpired…these events that had first showed up in her dreams, and then in real life.

Letting the news sink in, she decided that she didn’t want to rush into another job. She didn’t want to compromise again. So she wasn’t going to kick-off a job search just yet.

Near the end of May, Theodora shared with her that Growmotely had decided to take on an intern in the Brand & Marketing Team. Completely unaware of what her sister had up her sleeve, Andreea inquired as to who it was. When Theodora announced that it was her, she burst into tears. “I had never even dared dream about that a year ago.”

A couple of months later – in August – our Founder and CEO Sarah Hawley offered Andreea a full-time job as an Events Manager. “I can’t describe in words how happy and how grateful I felt. I knew that that was the beginning of a new journey where I could bring my genius into work.”

Andreea recently celebrated her one-year anniversary of working at Growmotely, and commemorated it by sharing the news with her LinkedIn network via this post. Amongst her accomplishments during this time, she organized our inaugural Align Summit – which brought together visionary thinkers and doers in the remote work and conscious culture space; she launched our series of engaging masterclasses, which brings embodied experts to our community members every month; and she was able to join forces (in person!) with a gaggle of Growmoters in Dubrovnik, Croatia at the Work. Place. Culture. conference.

Suffice it to say, she blows us away with the application of her unique gifts every single day.

Here at Growmotely, we believe that it is never too late – or too early – to make a career change. We put a prime focus on culture-first hiring, which means that we encourage companies to – first and foremost – look for a match between company values and their potential team member’s values. We see this as being the most crucial piece of the puzzle, and when company’s get this right, the sky is the limit.

We see the Future of Work as a place where everyone – remote professionals and company-builders alike – are able to, with relative ease, explore new career paths and roles, and pursue the learning of new skills, if the desire is there. As we – as human beings – change, and as the world changes around us, sometimes the work we feel called to do in the world shifts and evolves. Let’s embrace this fact.

We would love for you to join Andreea – and join us – as we push the limits of what we think is possible…both in our career trajectory and in the expression of our unique gifts. 💫

Written by: Vanessa Kettner (Growmotely’s Creative Writer and your Remote Work Cupid)
Dedicated to: The Gătin Sisters ❣️

P.S. If you’re in love with what we’re creating in the world, and are keen to invest in our efforts, click here to learn more about our Republic Crowdfunding Campaign. ✨

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