Bibiana – from Colombia – just landed her dream job

  • 3Minutes

The South American country of Colombia. Bordered by Venezuela to the east, Brazil to the southeast, Ecuador and Peru to the south, and Panama to the northwest.

Known for its incredible coffee, its spectacular music and now…Bibiana! Our newest remote professional who has accepted a job through Growmotely’s platform. Welcome to our community, Bibiana!

Although showcasing where Bibiana is from is fun (and educational!), the truth is that her story is relevant to all of us, and the lessons we have to learn from her are universal – regardless of which region of the world you are ‘tuning in’ from.

You see, Bibiana found the job of her dreams last month, and I’m hoping that – with Bibiana’s help – you can find the job of your dreams, too.

Let’s dive in to her story…

In January 2021, upon discovering (excitedly) that she was pregnant – with her and her husband’s first child – Bibiana knew that she did not want to follow the traditional path of staying home for a few months with her new baby and then returning full-time to the workplace. Given this, she spoke to her employer at the time, inquiring about possibilities to work-from-home after she gave birth to her baby. She did want to work; she just didn’t want to spend so much time away from the soon-to-be newest addition to her family. She, disappointedly, learned that, no, this was not an option at the company that she was presently working for.

Sitting down with her husband, Bibiana shared her vision for the future with him and asked for his support. He offered it – and she proceeded to hand in her notice to her current employer, and set off on a journey to find a role that was 100% remote – a role that aligned with her dreams of what motherhood looked like for her and what she wanted her professional life to look like. A role that would allow her to be in charge of her destiny when it came to where she could do her work.

She searched for her dream remote role for almost a year – before she discovered our platform and found the one that she eventually applied for and was offered! – and she is now working as a graphic designer (diseñadora gráfica en español) for one of the incredible companies that hires through the Growmotely platform, RWT Growth, a boutique, full-service, capital advisory firm – headquartered in British Columbia, Canada.

When asked about what advice she can give to those who would also like to do what she has done, she responded with a message full of hope: “I want to encourage people to follow their dreams and find that job that they really want. Sometimes we stay with the mentality of ‘this is what I have, and even though I want something different, I’m not going to look for it’. Know that it is possible. The whole process took me about a year, but now I have what I want. The job of your dreams is out there.”

To Bibiana: You are an inspiration, and we are thrilled to welcome you into our Growmotely community.

To everyone else: The Future of Work is here – and it is chock-full of inspirational stories like Bibiana’s.

¡Únete a nosotros!

Written by: Vanessa Kettner (Growmotely’s Creative Writer and your Remote Work Cupid)
Dedicated to: Bibiana’s daughter – Carla Sophia (Here at Growmotely, we are working every day to create a beautiful Future of Work for you!)

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