Koko is living her best life…and you can, too!

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Koko is living her best life.

Wow. This is so incredible. But – what does it mean?! And who is Koko?

Koko is our ‘Community Guide’ here at Growmotely. Her expertise is in customer support and relationship management and she is who you – our beloved readers – will have the pleasure of exchanging with if you reach out. 

So. Why and how is Koko living her best life? And – how can the rest of us get more of what she has?! (I’m asking the tough questions for you so that you don’t have to…)

Koko is living her best life for a number of reasons. 

First of all, she works remotely and in a global team. She loves her job and her colleagues and she is loved dearly back. She chose to apply for a job via Growmotely’s platform because all the companies on our platform are on the same page when it comes to company culture: they all care about creating a positive work environment, and they all have the ‘culture tools‘ at their disposal to turn this ideal into a concrete reality. For example, check out some of the shout-outs that Koko received from her colleagues this week via one of our platform’s ‘culture tools’:

Thank you for always showing your support. I feel so grateful to work alongside you.” 
– Lisa

Koko, you are my hero for getting all those HubSpot templates updates completed for S/E and so fast! Thank you for helping us out!” 
– Chris

Always a pleasure talking to you!! You bring such good vibes!” 
– Andreea

You get the idea!

Second of all, Koko is a mother of two. She can work from anywhere and at the time of day that suits her. What this means is that she is the captain of her own ship when it comes to steering her journey of being a working mother. No company or boss (at Growmotely, we have ‘team leads’, not ‘bosses’) is putting pressure on Koko to pull her outside of her integrity when it comes to creating the life she would like with her family and as a mother. (To check out a photo of what Koko and her boys have built with some Legos on one of Koko’s work breaks, click here.)

And finally, to provide a third reason as to why Koko is living the dream: well, because, she is Koko…someone who is full of joy and sharing all of that joy all over the place! With her family. With her colleagues. And with you! (As, after all, she is our Community Guide here at Growmotely and her role is to serve you, our beloved community members.) 

Friends. Here at Growmotely, we have our hearts full of hope when it comes to the Future of Work. We see this future as a place where, like Koko, parents – mothers and fathers alike – feel empowered to create a lifestyle that works for them…a lifestyle that is not dictated by outdated societal norms. We also see this future as a place where everybody is valued and ‘seen’ for the unique contributions that they make, and their ‘life at work’ brings them joy.

We want you to join Koko – and all of us here at Growmotely – in turning this vision into reality.

Written by: Vanessa Kettner (Growmotely’s Creative Writer and your Remote Work Cupid)
Dedicated to: Who else…but the one and only Koko!

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