The courage to break free

  • 2Minutes

You could say we’re all about work, expanded.

Freedom to work from wherever you want and the flexibility to attune to your natural rhythms and integrate your life’s wants and needs. Growth that comes from practicing self awareness and inner work. Expanding into one’s potential. 

I guess what we want to offer through all we’re creating is that work can be done in a more expansive, freeing way – physically, mentally, emotionally. We can live lives where work doesn’t drag us down, but elevates us instead. 

It takes courage though to break the moulds and really break free. 

We know it. As a remote team, we’ve all taken our leaps at one point, from on site jobs to working remotely. 

We’ve also jumped from different work environments and structures, different industries and even different careers, to join this start up ecosystem. 

Some of us leaped from freelancing and working alone, to working in a global team. 

All of this, to live and work more expansively.  

And while these ‘moves’ indeed helped us achieve this, we learned that an even more powerful sense of freedom and expansion came from embracing the courage to take those leaps. From allowing ourselves to break free. 

This got us on a path of exploring as a team what this self permission to break free can do for us further in our work and what other layers of personal freedom we could be unlocking. 

We’re actively pursuing freedom from our own limiting beliefs of what we can do and how we can do it. Freedom from our self-doubts and fears, from unhealthy patterns and constrictive ways of being. Freedom to step into what we are and what we can be. 

Freedom in work, the way we see (and experience it) has multiple dimensions to it. 

There’s the freedom that’s achieved externally in where and when we work, but beyond that there’s an entire realm of personal freedom that’s available for us to tap into.

And this level of expansion is what we want to also bring to our global community.

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