Inside one of our new ‘Live Demo Sessions’ ✨

  • 7Minutes

Earlier this week, in the morning (for me, anyway), I decided to attend one of our brand-spanking new LIVE DEMO SESSIONS. The plan is to hold these 45-minute sessions every Wednesday – at two different times throughout the day, so as to do our best to accommodate our global audience. Carlos Cole – our Head of Growth – was running the show on this occasion; our Legal Advisor turned Events Manager Andreea Gătin was holding space for his presentation and was managing all operations.

During this session that I attended, Carlos guided those of us who had tuned in around the platform, explaining how it works and sharing tips and tricks to help us effectively navigate it. I think it’s safe to say that anyone who joins us for one of these sessions will take value away from it: entrepreneurs who are registered on our platform, but who have not yet tried to make a hire; a perhaps-someday-soon entrepreneur who is sniffing things out; people who have invested in our company via our Republic Crowdfunding Campaign; and even people who have already made hires via our platform.

To learn more, continue reading so that you can find out just exactly what went down during Growmotely’s second-ever live demo session…

Here goes.

Carlos kicked off the session by introducing what it is that we are actually doing here at Growmotely. And that is this: we are a marketplace connecting culture-first-focused remote professionals with conscious-culture companies all over the world. And why are we doing this? We’re doing this because we believe – and we have seen – that if we get alignment right, magic happens. We see high retention rates amongst team members and we find that people are happier. This is what we love to see, and we are ready to lean into this opportunity of reshaping the future of work.

So. Just exactly how are we serving you, as companies?

Carlos explained that on our platform, we have everything you need to hire your team. We have a job board, where you can post unlimited jobs. We have a 30,000+ community of remote professionals to whom we advertise a selection of jobs every week via our Explore newsletter, and we have over 19,000 remote professionals registered on our platform. We also promote all your jobs on our social media accounts (e.g. LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.)

“On the inside” of our platform, you will have a company profile, where you will be able to showcase your company to all remote professionals registered on our platform, and through which you will be able to find the best (global) talent to build the team of your dreams. Carlos invoked The Great Resignation whilst he was leading this demo, and he offered the idea that this trend is one piece of evidence to suggest that professionals these days are really looking for work that is truly meaningful to them.

Another way that we are adding value to your life as a company-builder is that we are making the hiring process much easier and less expensive for you to hire your people. Finding and hiring your team members can be tricky in the early stages of creating a company, and we want to take the ‘HR pains’ off of your plate, which will of course then allow you to focus more on your zone of genius…whatever that may be!

Back to the session. After Carlos had set the stage so to speak for the demo, he then kicked-off the screen-sharing portion of the session.

The first screen you will see when you create an account in our platform is your ‘Profile Settings’, and we encourage you to fill this out as fully and authentically as possible. Why? So that you can attract the most aligned people, of course. (As this is what culture-first hiring is all about after all.)

We recommend fleshing out these sections thoroughly, as when you move into creating job posts, this information (your vision, purpose and values) will automatically be displayed with each job description.

Next! On to the “Job Postings” section.

Carlos then walked us through how to add a ‘New Posting’, and he told us about the ‘auto-matching feature’ which scans the remote professionals registered on our platform and then presents you with appropriate candidates, based on these fields:

  • Maximum Budget
  • Experience
  • Flex-Level
  • Skills required

At this point in the session, there was a question from a participant:

Question: What happens if ideally I would like amount X for the ‘Maximum Budget’ field, but actually, if I were to find a really exceptional candidate, I would be willing to make an exception and pay more? What would you recommend that I put in the ‘Maximum Budget’ field?

Carlos’ answer: In this case, I would recommend putting in a mid-range amount. It’s important to know that the auto-matching feature will still select people who have listed a ‘Monthly rate’ that is higher than what you have cited; it doesn’t rule out automatically people who are asking for a rate that is higher than the number you have cited.

OK; wonderful! Next. On to the ‘Application Board’:

We are very proud of our Application Board! We have drawn from our Founder and CEO’s eight years of experience in hiring remotely to create a board that really leverages best practices from the HR industry. And as you can see, it is designed in kanban board style, facilitating a user-friendly experience.

Carlos then walked everyone through each step in the hiring process, and what that looks like specifically on our platform:

  1. Pre-screen Questions
  2. Video Q&A
  3. Portfolio & References
  4. Online Interview
  5. Background Check
  6. Offer & Placement

(To learn about all the juicy details for each of these steps, you will need to join us for one of our Wednesday demos!)

And now to cover how we roll on the legal front. Carlos explained that it will actually be Growmotely (and not your company) who enters into a contract with the remote professional you have chosen to hire. We hire all professionals as independent contractors, and then there will be a separate legal agreement between Growmotely and your company. What this means is that you don’t have to worry about compliance; we are taking on any risks that are inherent in hiring. And on a side note, we have also found that this hiring via independent contractor model fosters empowerment and ownership (one of our five company values), and even serves, interestingly – and amongst other things – as a counterforce to burnout. This model also gives all of your people the gift of location-independence, which – for many – is priceless. Hallelujah!

After a discussion of legal matters, Carlos then dove into an explanation of our innovative Benefits Marketplace, and our effective ‘culture tools’ – including (but not limited to) our cherished kudos and shout-outs toolQuestions were asked about these tools, and real-life examples of their effectiveness were given.

Carlos then finished off his demo by fielding questions for the remaining 15 minutes.

Friends. I hope that this partial description of the demo has whet your appetite!

We would really love for you to join us on one of these demos on a Wednesday that works for you, so that you can see with your own eyes what it would be like to hire your people through our platform. We also are keenly interested in your questions, observations and feedback, as the construction of our platform is dynamic, and we are always looking to make it better and more user-friendly.

As I mentioned at the start of this piece, entrepreneurs at all stages of the game will gain value from this demo, including those who think they know the platform well already! (You might just learn something that you didn’t know…just as I did when I attended this past week.)

So, if you’re ready to sign up for this 45-minute slice of discovery, you can do so here.

¡Hasta pronto!

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