The Journey so Far | Joining Forces

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If you’ve followed our journey so far, you know we’ve been on quite a ride. You’d also know we’re here to shake things up and turn the work world around. 

Now, some fresh big news to share with you. 

We’re getting our sister company Grow My Team on board, and on the same ride too! 

Up in the remote space since 2014 (way before it was cool 😉), finding and placing talent into long term remote roles, Grow My Team packs a lot of solid expertise. 

Plus, same love for creating opportunity worldwide, making conscious cultures mainstream and a future of work that’s empowering, inclusive and free.

Welcoming Grow My Team 

Joining forces feels as epic as it sounds in this case. It’s a pretty expansive cycle we’ve been on together. 

From being born as a project in Grow My Team, and evolving as two separate entities, to walking the same remote landscape side by side this past year, to now welcoming Grow My Team as part of Growmotely. 

September last year we were just founding Growmotely and the core team. A trip around the sun later, we have a fleshed out team and platform, and bringing over our fam from Grow My Team. Same drive, talent and passion, times two. 

We’re getting the whole band together. And damn right, we’re gonna play!  

Timing couldn’t be more perfect too, to amp our voice and power up for the big things we’ve mapped out. 

Integrating Community  

Few things are as powerful as community. More so, in a remote, global context, with all the diversity and richness blending in.

At Grow My Team, the community for remote professionals and the connections we’ve built over the years was one of the most valued aspects of our offering. 

Now we get to integrate the same concept of a thriving remote community into Growmotely too. Drawing in from all the experience building community at Grow My Team, ramping up and going bigger and better with the help of technology. 

How’s that gonna look like? 

Communing instead of commuting. Professionals hired through our platform will get access to a private community space and create connections all around the world with other like-minded professionals in the hired community. 

Cross learning and professional growth in various areas of expertize, personal development and guidance. Togetherness and belonging. 

This one’s gonna go live pretty soon, so keep your eyes peeled for the updates coming in. 

The Benefits Program

We’ve recently introduced Community Perks to our platform. Partnered up with conscious brands to bring special discounts to our community of registered remote professionals, and boost up their anywhere work lifestyle. 

But that’s only the beginning. In the back we’re working hard to get our full Benefits Program live. 

What’s in the store? A fully customizable, ‘choose your own adventure’ type of benefits package for all professionals engaged in remote roles through our platform. 

Built with the awareness that benefit needs can look different across countries, and at the level of every individual, and to honour each professional’s sovereignty and freedom to make their own choices on what they truly want and need, our Benefits Marketplace will include a variety of benefits to plug in, ranging from Global Healthcare, Professional Coaching, Courses and Education to Therapy and Wellbeing.

A Thriving Ecosystem 

Ultimately, our vision is to create a thriving remote ecosystem, that offers growth opportunities for everyone in it: professionals, conscious companies, aligned partners, and any other player that holds this vision dear. 

Where all stakeholders matter equally, including our earth and society. A true global remote fam. Shifting the culture of work and creating endless possibilities. 

Here’s to embracing evolution together! 

Super grateful for the ride so far, the journey that’s ahead, and co-creating this story with our wide community. 

P.s. If you’re reading this, you’re already part of it. Welcome, thank you, and let’s do this! 😉

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